We never wear shoes here even if we are going out to dinner or shopping. Even dancing at the local club we go barefoot. I arbitrarily enjoy it. We are always the only white people around in Durban but it's nice. The weather is most definitely warmer here than Cape Town. We beat up our car pretty bad driving here from bent wheels and a scratched bumper to a hole in our transmission case. On our way back to return the car we stopped to fill up and while waiting a chunk of the ceiling fell from above landing on the roof of our car. We didn't think it would get any worse. After we dropped it off we split quickly hoping we would't be liable for all that happened. Still waiting to hear back from the rental shop.
The first place we stayed had so many cockroaches running around on the floor and even had the local escort service on the floor below us (real classy). But I enjoy places like this. They make for entertaining memories. The other place called, Antseys Beach Backpackers sits right on the beach and is a lot nicer. We even got our own cabin. I think it's standard for every backpackers hostel to have a pool table. We play all the time and I'm still not very good.
The flea markets are completely filled with people everyday especially Saturdays. They have all types of uncooked foods and artwork for fairy good prices. We find ourselves buying the same foods just about every time we venture to the supermarket if we don't end up eating out, which we tend to do quite often.
I've noticed a lot of the people here use Blackberry phones. Also it's vast how Coke is everywhere, even in the very small towns.
Went to a cinema, ordered popcorn and asked for butter. They said I got to add it on myself. I was excited because I love butter and was going to add a lot, but then they handed me a packet of powder. Not so tasty..